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Decoliss is a pre mixed pure lime mortar developed to obtain a polished surface. It consists of natural lime, fine granulometry aggregates including Talc and additives to assist the applicator against shrinkage and tearing. It does not contain cement or other pozzolanic components.
Coloured Finishes
The natural colour of Decoliss is white. Pigmentation is possible. Pigments should be added to the mix as a paste or pre diluted in clean water. Pigments in powder should be well crushed before dilution in water. The quantity of pigments added should not exceed 30 grams per kg. of Decoliss.
The Traditional Lime Company will be able to supply the necessary pigments for the colour chosen.
The floating action will produce a surface with different tonalities and veins.
Call us on 01242 525444 or email us at
Traditional Lime Products since 1993